About the XL Chef’s Dishcloth
The XL Chef’s Dishcloth is a perfect partner for my other Chef’s Dishcloth. It is also from the technique “Filet Crochet”, which is exclusively double crochet and chains, where you skip some stitches, that makes the holes.
It’s called “Chef’s”-Dishcloth, because it’s inspired by the Chef’s Kitchen Towels. I am not sure, wether it’s only a Danish thing, but It is these towels in white that has squares in black or blue. This “XL”-Dishcloth is bigger in it’s squares compared to my other Chef’s Dishcloth – that’s why it’s called “XL”. It’s not the size of it 😉
Time to produce: 1,5 hours
Skill level: Easy
Size: 25 x 25 cm
For this pattern on XL Chef’s Dishcloth you have to be able to make the double crochet (dc), chains (ch) and single crochet (sc). There is a speciel technique for turning without the usual turning chains. I have called it “Pretty Turning (pt)”.
What you need
Before you get started
There is a special technique you need to use, when turning the work to get the perfectly straight edges. I call it “Pretty Turning (pt)“. You can of course choose to turn the piece in your usual way, but I would recommend you to try this, because it will be quite nice.

Step 1
When you have reached the end of the row, turn around without making turning stitches.
(At the chain in the very beginning, you use a turning chain – otherwise it’s impossible to get the first single crochet in.)

Step 2
Pull a little in the loop, and make a single crochet in the first stitch.

Step 3
On top of that single crochet, you make another: Insert the hook in the back loop of the two loops from the first single crochet and make a single crochet in it.

Step 4
You have now made 2 stitches with the Pretty Turning = 2 pt. This counts as your first stitch.
The holes in the pattern
The holes in the pattern appear by making a chain and skipping a stitch. When you have to crochet on top of the chain (where there is a hole), you crochet around the entire chain – insert crochet hook into the hol,e that has come, and take the yarn back. That’s how you get a nice hole …
(Parantheses) og commas,
When you crochet according to the pattern, there are some different characters you use, so you avoid huge lines. Here I use commas “,” and parentheses “()”.
- At a comma: What stands between commas, you just do as it says.
- At parentheses: What is in between parentheses must be multiplied by the number of times that follows.
If you are new to patterns, then it’s explained here with an example:
EXAMPLE ROW 1 (2 dc, 1 ch, skip 1 stitch) 2 times, 6 dc, turn
This means:
dc, dc, 1 ch, skip 1 stitch, dc, dc, 1 ch, skip 1 stitch, dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, turn
Støt Milla Billa
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På forhånd mange tusinde tak 🙏❤️🤗
The pattern
Chain 59 chains (ch) and 1 turning ch (start in the 2. stitch from the hook).
ROW 1-9
2 pt, 18 dc, 1 ch, skip 1 stitch, 19 dc, 1 ch, skip 1 stitch, 19 dc, turn,
ROW 10
2 pt, (1 ch, skip 1 stitch, 1 dc) 29 times, turn,
Now jump to row 1 and repeat the rows until you have made 29 rows (the last row is a row 9).
Babaaaaa: You now have a cloth that is ready to use 🙂
More free patterns on dishcloths
Here you find some helpful videos, so you can make the pattern. Especially if you are a beginner (If you are: You’re awesome – am cheering for you!). It’s a bit easier to understand with live pictures Milla Billa made the design and editing. Music was by www.bensound.com.