Chainless foundation with double crochet
Here you can see how to crochet with a chainless foundation with double crochet.
How it works
When you crochet with “chainless foundation”, it is without a starting chain in the beginning. Instead you crochet both the chain and the double crochet at the same time. So horizontally and vertically all in one.
You start by making 4 chains. Yarn over, and go in the first chain. Yarn over and pull through. Now you have 3 loops on your hook. Yarn over, and pull through the first loop. This is your chain, that goes horizontally. Now you make a double crochet: Yarn over and pull through 2 loops, yarn over and pull through 2 loops.
That is how you crochet both horizontally and vertically at the same time.
The result
It will be a super nice edge you get, and can be used when you for example only have double crochets in the first row. You will not be able to see, where you started, because your top and your bottom will look exactly the same.
This technique is shown in double crochet, but is is the same for every stitch: Single crochet, half double crochet, treble crochet etc.
It is quite nice and definitely worth a try, if you don’t know the technique yet!