About Baby Lulu’s balls-ball

Baby Lulu’s balls-ball is a crochet ball rattle for baby.

Baby Lulu needs to have her own rattle. It was supposed to be a rattle, that could do it all: squeak, rattle and crackle. And be a little nice at the same time 😉 So here it is. The ball made of balls. 9 to be completely specific. And it’s great to get use of all the yarn leftovers. Not many grams go to a ball. It is measured to be a full 6 grams.

Time to produce: 3 hours (12 min. pr. small ball)
Skill level: Easy
Size: 10 cm in height
Vera-musens vifte-suttekæde

For this pattern on Baby Lulu’s balls-ball you need to be able to make a magic ring with single crochet, invisible decreases and sew all the parts together.

But no stress. there is video-guides for it all 🙂 Click on the links, or scroll down to the bottom.

Vera-musens vifte-suttekæde
Materialer til Baby Lulu's boldebold

What you need

They are quick and easy to make, and the leftover of yarn from other projects are ideal for this, as not much yarn is used. 6 grams to be exact 😉 So weigh the leftovers and start with the balls.


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Make 9 small balls

ROUND 1 Make a magic ring with 6 single crochet (sc) (6 sts)
ROUND 2 Make 1 increase (inc) in all 6 stitches (12 sts)
ROUND 3 (1 inc, 1 sc) 6 times (18 sts)
ROUND 4 (2 sc, 1 inc) 6 times (24 sts)
ROUND 5 24 sc (24 sts)
ROUND 6 24 sc (24 sts)
ROUND 7 24 sc (24 sts)
ROUND 8 (2 sc, 1 decrease (dec)) 6 times (18 sts)
ROUND 9 (1 dec, 1 sc) 6 times (12 sts)

When the right side of the ball is outside, the string (from the beginning) is inside. So if you (like me) always have the wrong side + string out, when you crochet, then you should turn the wrong side in now 🙂

Now put in stuffing and what else you want of fun things in them. I filled in:

  • 3 balls with strips of frying bags – it crackles so nicely
  • 3 balls with rattle boxes and filling
  • 3 balls with a squeaker in each and filling

ROUND 10 (1 dec) 6 times (6 sts)

Don’t finish off the thread and leave a semi-long end to sew all the balls together.

Støt Milla Billa

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På forhånd mange tusinde tak 🙏❤️🤗


Montering af Baby Lulu's boldebold

When you need to assemble Baby Lulu’s balls-ball, you sew the balls together very tightly. Sew them on with 3-4 stitches in each ball and the neighbor balls that comes along.

Montering af Baby Lulu's boldebold

When all the balls are sewn together, you sew them tightly again, so that you cannot see into the middle.

And dadaaaaaa: Now you have a fun and fantastic rattle-balls-ball for a happy baby 🙂

Here you find some helpful videos, so you can make the pattern. Especially if you are a beginner (If you are: You’re awesome – am cheering for you!). It’s a bit easier to understand with live pictures ???? Milla Billa made the design and editing. Music was by www.bensound.com.

Crochetguide by Milla Billa
Crochetguide by Milla Billa