
Crochet Pattern: Favorite Christmas Ornament 2021

29,00 kr.

Size: Ø 5,5 cm
Crochet Hook: 2,5 mm
Skill Level: Let

Get the KIT for the potholders here

I have had this design in mind for some time. I love the oblique lines, that looks so fine when it turns around. I’ve fallen in love with it, so the name became “Favorite Christmas Ornament 2021”. It also gives a bit of an expectation / hope that I can design a new one every year The oblique and many color changes are quite nice ❤️

(NOTE: The pattern is free on Milla Billa. When you buy this pattern, you get a printer-friendly and ad-free pattern).

Find the KIT for the pattern here

*By clicking on the link here, before you make your purchase, you support Milla Billa with a small percentage of your purchase. It does not cost you anything, but supports my creative making ❤️

About this Crochet Pattern: Favorite Christmas Ornament 2021

I have had this design in mind for some time. I love the oblique lines, that looks so fine when it turns around. I’ve fallen in love with it, so the name became “Favorite Christmas Ornament 2021”. It also gives a bit of an expectation / hope that I can design a new one every year The oblique and many color changes are quite nice ❤️

For this pattern, you will need*


Other info about this Crochet Pattern: Favorite Christmas Ornament 2021

  • Crochet time 40 min.
  • Skill Level: Easy
  • Size: D 5,5 cm

Crochet Guides

If there is any stitches you are in doubt about, don’t worry. On Milla Billa there is a lot of helpful videos. They are in Danish, but if you hit the subtitle-button in English, you can read along.

You can find help for the different stitches by clicking here.

NOTE: This item is a digital product – a crochet pattern you receive in your mail inbox as a PDF file. It will be available to download once payment is confirmed, and the item can therefor not be cancelled or returned.



© Copyright

My patterns are for private use only. This means that you may not sell, copy (in whole or in part) or otherwise pass them on. You must also not systematically sell products made according to the patterns. You are welcome to refer to my designs and to me as a designer (link to website www.millabilla.dk or instagram @millabilladk).

If you have questions regarding this, you can write to me at milla@millabilla.dk.


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