(The videos are texted in English (US-terms), so remember to turn on subtitles.)
Here I have set up the best videos, you need, to learn the basics of crochet. With these Crochet Guides you will learn some techniques, that are used to crochet dishcloths, pillows, blankets, etc. Once you have practiced all of these, and you have learned to crochet, you can start crocheting different stitches. These stitches are composed by the basic crochet you find here.
I really hope, the videos are understandable, and that it is easy to copy, what I show. Enjoy 🙂
(The videos are texted in English (US-terms), so remember to turn on subtitles.)
Here I have set up a number of videos, that show the different stitches, I use in my patterns. Within all these Crochet Guides I’ll show you how to start, how to crochet the stitches, turn and give you good tips, on how you can make crocheting easier.
I hope you Enjoy 🙂
My best tips!
(The videos are texted in English (US-terms), so remember to turn on subtitles.)
All the best tips, I have learned over time, I have recorded and edited here for you, so you also can enjoy. As a beginner in crochet, there are many things, I would love to have known, when I started, so I could avoid the worst hassle 😉
(The videos are texted in English (US-terms), so remember to turn on subtitles.)
In this bundle of Crochet Guides, I will show you how to assembly and attach different patterns. It’s so much easier to understand in moving images 🙂